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HCCA Newsletter updates - 11/30/24

Howdy everyone,

If you sent your notice to Ken Burke’s office seeking tax relief on your Harbour Club property, you’ll probably get the same paperwork I got yesterday. It appears the Value Adjustment Board (VAB) has a form of their own.  NOTHING is simple with government!

You will need to send the completed form (see VAB Request pages here on the HCCA webpage under Documents and Rules) within 10 days to the address below. Enclose the same justification pages we supplied originally (see CCF11152024 also under Documents and Rules) and a check for $15.

They make it sound as if you need a professional lawyer or other expert to present your case when you can represent yourself.  The simple matter is, because the County refuses to act on the invasive bamboo issue along Harbour Club’s northern property line, our property values have eroded as clearly demonstrated by the actual sales shown.

Send your completed paperwork to: Ken Burke Clerk, Value Adjustment Board; Board Records Dept.; 315 Court Street, Fifth floor; Clearwater, FL 33756

Thank you for your participation in this endeavor. If we can help you in any of this, please have your HCCA rep call me. Thanks again!!!

The HCCA Board

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Community Notes . . .
"Community living requires cooperation and consideration of others. We want everyone to be comfortable and safe at HARBOUR CLUB and, the only way this can be achieved, is:  (1) for all Unit Owners and guests to cooperate and be considerate of each other; 2) to adhere to the HCCA Rules and Regulations that are designed for your comfort, welfare, safety and enjoyment.  These Rules & Regulations apply to Unit Owners and their guests and; 3) through accurate, consistent and constant communications!   

Our goal is to continue the ongoing reporting and sharing of HCCA vital and critical communications to include, but not limited to, updates on who, what, when, where and why the HCCA is conducting business on your behalf.   "A happy Unit Owner is a well informed Unit Owner!" 
